Equipment Handling & Support

Amplifiers & Photoreceivers


FEMTO has built a broad range of products that includes current amplifiers, voltage amplifiers, lock-in amplifiers, and photoreceivers. To us, “sophisticated tools for signal recovery” means that every product we develop must offer a significant advantage over comparable products available in the market.

We provide a wide selection of Current Amplifiers with ultra low noise / high speed, at fixed & variable gain. 

Types of Current Amplifiers


Providing various Wide-band Amplifiers for both fixed & variable gain from kHz to GHz.

Types of GHz-Wideband Amplifiers


We provide lock-in amplifiers in various sizes, both miniature modular, modular & even single board versions for retrofitting purposes.


We provide a wide-range of silicon & InGaAs photoreceivers in both variable & fixed gain. 




The company develops, produces, distributes and services optical beam handling as well as highly precise positioning systems – still according to the maxim »Made in Germany«. Information technology, mechanical engineering, biotechnology, medicine, image processing and printing industry are some of our product application areas.

The OWIS system installation kits allow the experimenter to provide experimental setups within shortest time. A wide range of mounts and adapters make sure that all optical components can be properly mounted. Additional these systems are compatible to systems from other manufacturers, who followed our standard.


OWIS optical components are used in all research fields of the industrial sectors where light is used for experimental and developing processes. These are not only standard but also customer and application-specific products. The kinematic and gimbal adjustment units with the corresponding inserts are brought to the required beam handling heights, when mounted on slides, pins or directly on optical tables.


OWIS positioning systems are the economic solution for applications, where simple but precise motion sequences have to be realized. Due to the manifold combination possibilities of linear, rotary, angular adjustment and tilt stages, goniometers as well as fine-thread and micrometer screws in the most different specifications, a large application area is covered.


Motorized positioning systems are used in research and laboratories as well as in various industrial sectors to automate precise and complex motion sequences. A construction kit with different automation components allows the assembling of complete harmonized systems. For this reason, multidimensional positioning, adjusting and moving of different loads with variable velocities is possible.


If parts or samples have to be moved or positioned with nanometer precision, our Nano Hybrid Positioners are used. Linear stages with our appropriate control unit are available for linear movements, also for large travels and loads.


Probe Station

EverBeing Intl Corp-min

A probe station is an interface tool to measure the electrical characteristics of your microelectronic device. For example, if you are unable to see the inputs and outputs of your DUT precisely with the naked eye, a probe station is what you need to perform measurements, whether it be a wafer, glass, MEMS etc. However, the station requires a combination of a microscope and micropositioners to facilitate the experiment.


Comprehensive prober for DC and RF. The EB series contains features to step-up your usability to acquire the accurate data you need from your devices. It has a built in probe card slot.


Best for DC and RF probing, the platen lift is designed for smooth raise and contact of your probes simultaneously to your device. It is ideal for probing multiple spots on your device, or through multiple devices.


Contains fundamental features to probing. C series lets you kick off your experiments and is an entry level machine designed for ease of use while allowing you to get accurate, reliable results. 


The smallest probe station which still preserves the key functions and precision that are fundamental to all probing. This size is still capable of DC and RF measurements, making it the most versatile in its size.

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Everbeing controlled environment probe station allows vacuum and cryogenic probing down to 77K with liquid nitrogen or high temperature probing up to 1273K. Efficient in characterizing your devices at extreme temperatures, vacuum, specific gas, etc.

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Temperature Environmental Control Microscopy Stage


Most Linkam stages work with all standard microscopy setups and Linkam’s temperature and environmental control systems can be used for, and with, a wide range of experimental techniques. Explore Linkam’s stage types by technique here:

Most LINKAM stages are compatible with standard and confocal microscopes. Explore our entire range of temperature and environmental control systems from < -195 °C up to 1500°C, with a wide range of options

(i.e. humidity control, gas purging, quench cooling, vacuum chambers, electrical measurements, mechanical testing, etc).


LINKAM offer a range of devices compatible with our Liquid Crystal Cell, to enable you to image and characterise liquid crystal samples under a range of enviromental conditions.


LINKAM provides microscopy stages with mechanical sample characterisation with temperature and environmental control modules.

The modular design allows users to have an additional level of control over their experiments with the ability to change grips, heater type and force ranges.

Additional options will accommodate a wide range of different samples and applications and be able to test tension, compression and multi-point bending.


Providing a wide range of  Peltier systems are available for both upright and inverted microscope systems with manual & motorised XY stages.


LINKAM provides different types of stages with pressure system for both ambient temperature & cryogenic microscopy stages. 


Virtually, all LINKAM stages are compatible with Microscope based Raman systems.

The heating and freezing stages in the temperature range from < -195°C to 1500°C all now come fitted with quartz windows in the stage lid.


LINKAM provides different microcopy stages & systems (i.e. optical systems, stages compatible with X-ray spectrometers) that are made to be great tools for Rheology & Flow Analysis. 



LINKAM provides a wide range of systems for collection & analyzing enthalpy data. It is also a great tool for scientist researching Thermal Analysis by Structural Characterizations.


LINKAM provides a wide range of vacuum microscopy stages, each specialised for different applications & uses (i.e. ellipsometry, freeze drying,etc). 


LINKAM provides a wide range of microscopy stages & systems, all over a wide temperature range, that are compatible with x-ray & beamline applications.


LINKAM provides a variety of microscopy stages for a wide range cryogenic temperature range, all dependent on the sample biological product & the application. 


LINKAM provides microscopy stages that are specifically designed to highly compatible to ellipometers & ellipsometry applications. 


LINKAM provides a series of microscopy stages that are made integrated with probes for electrical applications. 


LINKAM provides a series of microscopy stages that are designed (i.e. IR transparent windows) for IR applications.


Ultrasonic Spray Nozzle & Systems


All of Sono-Tek’s ultrasonic coating systems integrate Sono-Tek ultrasonic nozzles, liquid delivery, and full system controls. Machines range from R&D tabletop systems, standalone fully enclosed programmable systems, and wide area continuous production inline systems.

All of Sono-Tek’s ultrasonic coating systems integrate Sono-Tek ultrasonic nozzles, liquid delivery, and full system controls.

Machines range from R&D tabletop systems, standalone fully enclosed programmable systems, and wide area continuous production inline systems.


The soft, low velocity spray produced by ultrasonic nozzle spray shaping systems often requires air shaping in order to meet the needs of an application, particularly where high precision or uniform deposition is required.

Several patented air shaping technologies have been developed by Sono-Tek to shape the atomized spray into defined patterns that can be precisely controlled using low-pressure air to entrain the atomized spray.


Nozzle/ Spray Gun

“In the field of pressure and multiple-substance nozzles, the name SCHLICK is synonymous with quality and precision around the world. Yet for some time now the company has been doing much more than simply developing and manufacturing high-precision nozzles. With their extensive knowledge, SCHLICK specialists are increasingly becoming a firm fixture in the planning stage for new developments, such as production plants and manufacturing processes. This innovative prowess is clear to see
in developments such as the company’s patented ABC technology®
and Multispray technology”

During coating, more and more product particles gradually start to accumulate on a conventional flat-spray cap due to the quantity of dust that is circulating. This not only influences the spray behaviour, but leads to the nozzle becoming clogged. This is also referred to as „beard formation“, or bearding.

The SCHLICK Anti-Bearding Cap (ABC) has been developed to counteract this bearding. Turbulence in the region of the air cap and the nozzle opening is minimised, meaning that interruptions to the process – due to the nozzle needing to be cleaned – can be almost completely prevented.


“Pressure nozzles – which are also known as ‘single-substance nozzles’ – use their own energy to atomise the liquid that is being supplied to them. There is usually no need for any additional compressed air or steam.

The pressurised liquid is released into the surrounding gaseous atmosphere as a jet or lamella. All kinds of sprays and droplet sizes are possible, depending on the type of nozzle and process parameters concerned.”


“Two-substance nozzles – which are also referred to as ‘pneumatic atomisers’ – rely on a second medium (compressed air, gas or steam) to supply the energy required for atomisation. Media such as compressed air, gas or steam can reach extremely high speeds even when the pressure differences involved are relatively low – sometimes even matching or exceeding the speed of sound. Two-substance nozzles work by exploiting this phenomenon.

The flow speed of the second medium breaks the liquid down into fine droplets. Consequently, the liquid that is being atomised only has to travel at a relatively low flow speed itself. This results in very fine atomisation even in the case of highly viscous liquids or suspensions.”


SCHLICK multi-substance nozzles allow very fine atomisation of several liquids with one nozzle and only one atomising medium (air, gas or steam).

At the same time, an extremely intensive mix of the liquids takes place when they leave the nozzle’s orifice. Reactions between the various liquids inside the nozzle are ruled out, as the media have no contact until they mix externally when leave the nozzle’s orifice.


Vibration Controlled Products


Kinetic Systems, Inc produces “World Class” Vibration Isolation Products (or Vibration Control Products) to provide vibration-free work environments for users and manufacturers of sensitive equipment. Kinetic Systems has pioneered many state-of-the-art developments in vibration isolation, damping, and structural design to solve a wide variety of complex vibration isolation problems in many applications such as aerospace, medical research, laser R&D, and semiconductor equipment.

We offer Vibration Isolation Workstations for virtually any application, whether for a cleanroom, research laboratory, or factory floor. Choose from Six Basic Configurations, or contact us to discover the best solution for your vibration isolation requirements.


Our Vibration Control Benchtop Platforms are available in four different configurations for use in enhancing the performance of precision tabletop equipment.


We are committed to offering the finest Optical Tables and Vibration Control Systems to support your laser and optical research needs.


Kinetic System’s mounts utilize the same principles as our workstations and optical table support systems, and can be optimized to support even the most challenging applications and geometries.


The BaseMate Series 9300 Isolation Platforms for large equipment offer you maximum flexibility and choice. With over 16 time-tested modular configurations you’re sure to get the optimum configuration to meet your application needs.

BaseMate Platform Systems provide vibration isolation benefits that are unmatched by other floor systems.


Jalan Sedayu City Boulevard Selatan B-32
Sedayu City Kelapa Gading
Jakarta Timur 13910, Indonesia

T: (62) 21 3886 9000      C: (62) 856 9363 5138